About us
Company 42 is a spiritual and practical equipping resource for an End Time Generation, preparing for the return of Jesus. Providing training in: Biblical end time prophecy, Moving and seeing in the spirit, Practical self sufficiency and off grid living, Worship, prayer and spiritual warfare. May this Company 42 generation keep its first love, not turn away from their faith, be neither deceived nor take offence and stand firm to the end of this age, to welcome the return of the King.
Company 42
The 42nd generation can be found in Matthew 1:17 and is the last generation, an End Time generation. It is also the number of the last half of the Tribulation. "and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days" (42 months). Revelation 12:6
Company 42
The 42nd generation can be found in Matthew 1:17 and is the last generation, an End Time generation. It is also the number of the last half of the Tribulation. "and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days" (42 months). Revelation 12:6
Meet the team.

Mark Johnson
The Academy of Light
The son of prophet Neville Johnson, Mark was saved at the age of 9 years, and became involved in his father's ministry at 18 years of age. He began to move in the prophetic and seer anointing since then. In his 20's he was involved with youth ministries, and more recently has been speaking at conventions and Churches. Mark has been shown the snares of the enemy and is specially commissioned to train the last days Army of God in spiritual warfare.
Mark is happily married to Anna, and they have two adult children, a son and a daughter. They reside in Queensland, Australia.
Mark is happily married to Anna, and they have two adult children, a son and a daughter. They reside in Queensland, Australia.
Andy Tiplady
Bushfire Ministries
Andy was born and raised in Zambia and was radically saved aged 28 yrs in England. From weekends dominated with rugby and triathlons, he became a follower of Jesus, giving much of his early years as a Christian to youth and prison ministry and evangelistic outreach, while training to be a secondary school Sports teacher. He married Heidi in 1998 and together they began to minister in power evangelism both on oversees missions, and back home in Sheffield England, where they established Bushfire Ministries, an end time equipping ministry and church base.
Andy carries a strong prophetic anointing and gifting to call out a remnant body of people to prepare for the return of Jesus. He teaches in churches, conferences and continues to hone his skills in bushcraft, training groups in outdoor survival skills.
Andy carries a strong prophetic anointing and gifting to call out a remnant body of people to prepare for the return of Jesus. He teaches in churches, conferences and continues to hone his skills in bushcraft, training groups in outdoor survival skills.

Heidi Tiplady
His Beloved
Raised in a Christian family in England, Heidi experienced the reality of the power of the Holy Spirit at a young age, regularly witnessing healings and deliverances. Surrounded by musical siblings, Heidi picked up a love for music and group singing, and participated in worship in song and on the piano as a child. In her early teens while living in Germany, Heidi was given the opportunity to lead in worship and to perform in gospel concerts overseas.
Since marrying Andy in 1998, Heidi's passion to flow under the leading of the Holy Spirit in worship has further developed, branching into spontaneous prayer and intercession in music and song, bringing a corporate body of believers with her, as led by the Lord. To pray the will of the Father, and to worship in holiness, and to see His kingdom come in the physical is what she longs for. She is a firm believer that through sincere and honest worship, we can minister unto the Lord and an open heaven be established, much like Jacob's ladder. Heidi has been recording many songs over recent years, loaded with the message of the Bride yearning for the return of her Bridegroom King, and songs of revelation. She loves to collaborate with others in music and song, also working together with two of her brothers across the seas, as well as local Believers to raise up the Maranatha cry, Come Lord Jesus!
Since marrying Andy in 1998, Heidi's passion to flow under the leading of the Holy Spirit in worship has further developed, branching into spontaneous prayer and intercession in music and song, bringing a corporate body of believers with her, as led by the Lord. To pray the will of the Father, and to worship in holiness, and to see His kingdom come in the physical is what she longs for. She is a firm believer that through sincere and honest worship, we can minister unto the Lord and an open heaven be established, much like Jacob's ladder. Heidi has been recording many songs over recent years, loaded with the message of the Bride yearning for the return of her Bridegroom King, and songs of revelation. She loves to collaborate with others in music and song, also working together with two of her brothers across the seas, as well as local Believers to raise up the Maranatha cry, Come Lord Jesus!